WFTU Press Release on the Secretariat meeting 8-9 November, 2022
The WFTU Secretariat meeting took place on 8-9 November, 2022 in the Headquarters of the Federation in Athens, Greece.
The WFTU Secretariat, on the occasion of its meeting, salutes the massive and militant class struggles which are developed during this period in all corners of the globe with the WFTU affiliates on the frontline of these struggles.
Through their remarkable struggles and mobilizations, the workers refuse to pay for the capitalist crisis and the imperialist wars. They demand satisfaction of their contemporary needs and defense of democratic and trade union freedoms that are attacked -under several pretexts- in the last years.
The WFTU Secretariat address a militant call to workers all over the world to even more strengthen the ranks of the organized class-oriented trade unions and their struggles for dignified living and working conditions for the workers and pensioners, against capitalist exploitation, for peace and social justice.