A. Executive Committee
1. Cyprus Building, Wood, Mine and General Workers Trade Union PEO (Cyprus)
2. SUNCA (Uruguay)
3. FCWATG (Greece)
4. CSG (Gabon)
5. FTCCP (Peru)
6. FEVICCOM (Portugal)
7. CWFI (India)
8. Sintracom, Fetracom, Sindmar (Brazil)
9. CNTCh (Chile)
10. SYNAR (DRC- Congo)
11. SNTCO (Cuba)
12. AICBCW (India)
13. Kenkourou, Kokkoroso, Toshiro (Japan)
14. Zhanartu (Kazakhstan)
15. FSOBB (Lebanon)
16. SNTB (Niger)
17. CIG (Galicia)
18. Professional Federation of Building, Dams and Land Reclamation Trade Unions (Syria)
19. Syntragavo (Togo)
20. VNUBW (Vietnam)
21. FUNTBTCAC (Venezuela)
22. UTUR (Russia)