UITBB Statement on WFTU meeting in the 105 ILO Conference
Dear Comrades,
- The next WFTU Congress will be very important because it is organised in a crucial period for workers all around the world.
- During our 17th Congress we will have the opportunity to reflect about our actions in the previous 5 years, to discuss about our weaknesses and prepare the WFTU guidelines for the future.
- The choice that WFTU made, to have our next Congress in the African Continent, is very important, because in this way we can express our full solidarity to African workers who have been working under extreme conditions.
- During the past 5 years, WFTU has promoted struggles in a class-based orientation course and in opposition to the reformist Trade Unions, and this allows the workers to better realise our role in the labour world. Workers now look at WFTU and they understand more clearly our role, which must give us the strength to continue.
- We are sure that our next Congress will discuss about our TUIs which we believe that, along with the regional offices of the WFTU, must play a daily role on the ground among the workers.
From the WFTU meeting
- During the 17th Congress we, as an International Trade Union of workers in the Building, Wood, Building Materials and Allied Industries, belong to the big WFTU family. We are certain that all the delegates will work together very hard to make the best decisions and to implement them.
- The delegation from our Organization the UITBB will do the best to have a successful and militant Congress.
Michalis Papanikolaou,
UITBB General Secretary