UITBB’s 17th Congress in Athens is being held in Athens. Photos from the Congress:
Michalis Papanikolaou, General Secretary of UITBB, addresses the Congress
George Mavrikos, General Secretary of WFTU, addresses the Congress
Eftychios Papamichael, General Organising Secretary of the Cyprus Building, Wood, Mine and General Workers PEO, addresses the Congress
Marco Tulio, from CBST/CCP Venezuela, addresses the Conference
Ravi Rajagopalan (AICBCW India), addresses the Conference
Pedro Milheiro (FEVICCOM – Portugal), addresses the Congress
Evgenii Kulikov (UTUR – Russia), addresses the Congress
Eulate Zilonizaurrekoetxea (LAB – Basque Country), addresses the Congress
Jose Luis Rivera Jacome (CIG – Galicia) addresses the Congress
Sasikumar Valiyaparambil (CWFI – India) addresses the Congress
Vladimir Dziklou (Belarus) addresses the Congress
Abm Toha (JNSF – Bangladesh) addresses the Congress
Giannis Tasioulas (Greek Federation of Builders) addresses the Congress
Louis Marie Kogrengbo (ODSTC – Central African Republic) addresses the Congress