The Trades Union International of Workers in the Building, Wood, Building Materials and Allied Industries (UITBB), on the occasion of the International Workers’ Day on 1st May 2016, conveys a message of class solidarity to all men and women in the building sectors and all working class people around the world.
The timeless messages of this class-based celebration, should inspire the workers in our daily struggles for a better life and a society without exploitation. We are certain that through their struggles, the workers in the building sectors, in full class-based unity with the rest of the workers around the world, will be in the forefront of the efforts to stop all imperialist wars, and for the right of all peoples to decide their own future.
Despite the difficulties that we are facing in our day-to-day actions, we should be inspired by the messages of May Day and continue moving forward optimistically. In doing so, we should organize our struggles against the policies which only serve the interests of the few and privileged. At the same time, we must promote those policies which serve the interests of the people and the needs of the workers.
The Secretariat of our organization, underlying once more that the future belongs to the workers, calls upon all UITBB members to participate in the events and celebrations for May Day around the world, uniting our voice with the millions of workers for a better tomorrow for humankind in a new, socialist society.
The Secretariat of UITBB