UITBB statement on International Women’s Day
The Trades Union International of Workers in the Building, Wood, Building Materials and Allied Industries UITBB, salutes Women’s Day 2021, sending militant greetings to all women in the world, and especially working women. 112 years after the uprising of women workers in New York, who demanded better working conditions and equality with men, the women’s struggle today is more important than ever.
Especially this year, with the pandemic of COVID-19 making the situation even worse for vulnerable groups of workers, and especially women, UITBB expresses its respect to all women trade unionists who are on the forefront of the class-based struggle for a better tomorrow, with equal rights for all, without the exploitation of humans by humans. This is something women know better than anyone, as they have been exploited for so many years.
UITBB has always been on the side of working women, fighting for their rights, for better working and living conditions, organizing demonstrations, solidarity campaigns, educating women through seminars and other activities around the world. In that spirit, we call upon all organisations-members of UITBB to observe the day and organize activities to promote the issues working women face around the world, such as maternity leaves, gender pay gap, more help by their employers in terms of working hours, sexual harassment at work etc.
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, we would like to once again reaffirm our unwavering solidarity with the working women around the world and call for an even greater support and defense of working women’s rights.
Michalis Papanikolaou
UITBB General Secretary