UITBB congratulates SUNCA Uruguay for its 64th Anniversary
On behalf of everyone at UITBB as well as the Cyprus Building, Wood, Mine and General Workers Trade Union PEO, please accept our sincere congratulations for SUNCA’s 64th anniversary.
SUNCA, as one of the most militant trade unions in Latin America and the world, has always been faithful to our class-oriented ideology, fighting every day on the first line, for the improvement of the living and working conditions of the workers.
Since May 11, 1958, SUNCA’s militant spirit has materialised in many victories for the workers in Latin America and, through its expression of international solidarity, for the workers of the world, who see upon SUNCA’s successes and are inspired to fight against the capital everywhere.
We are proud to have SUNCA in our UITBB ranks, with you, comrade Daniel, serving as our President. We are on the right side of history, brother, we will walk the same path together and we will have the same, bright future for all the united workers of the world.
Long live SUNCA!
Michalis Papanikolaou
UITBB General Secretary