Summary of the speech by Daniel Diverio, New President of UITBB and President
of Sindicato Único Nacional de la Construcción y Anexos (SUNCA) of Uruguay at at UITBB 17th Congress, Athens, Greece
– We agree with UITBB’s portrait of the structural crisis of capitalism.
Latin America is the most unequal area on the planet, the revolutions and the advances achieved gave hope to the peoples and workers, but then came the coups and economic blockades.
– Our unity is fundamental.
– Left-wing processes in Latin America are not all the same, which is why there are advances and setbacks.
– There are no left-wing forces that will grow without strong trade union movements.
– WFTU, UITBB and Flemacon have to analyze what is going on and move forward in unity.
– Only with international solidarity will we be able to win.
We have to fight our class enemy