WFTU declaration on the International Day of Action of WFTU 3rd of October 2024

WFTU declaration on the International Day of Action of WFTU 3rd of October 2024

The World Federation of Trade Unions on the 3rd of October every year celebrates the historic anniversary of its founding as it deserves, with international mobilization through its declaration as an International Action Day.  On this extraordinary occasion of its 79th anniversary that marks the entry of our Federation into its 80th year of existence and struggle, the working class all over the world, the militant and class-oriented trade unions, should honor this day with militant and massive activities in all continents and regions.

We firmly believe that the social progress and the goals of the labor movement can only be achieved through class struggles and organized militant demands. Especially in a period where all over the globe, employers are attacking wages, pensions, social security, and even the right to strike. However, the proud and unbound working-class resists and fights, with the WFTU members leading the most admirable and militant struggles. These struggles aim to meet the contemporary needs of workers at all levels, ensuring dignified work, wages, and living conditions.  It has been historically proven that the workers’ achievements and the concessions that employers and bourgeois governments are compelled to make, are victories already secured by workers and their unions through class unity, solidarity, and collective action at the grassroots level in workplaces.

At the same time, amidst the consecutive crises of capitalism and fierce competition among imperialist centers for new markets, our strongest weapons are struggle, internationalism, and solidarity both with the workers’ struggles against capitalist barbarity and peoples’ struggles against imperialist aggression and interventions.

In an era where scientific and technological advancements continually enhance labor productivity, it is socially unjust to allocate the produced wealth merely for the satisfaction of the capitalist endless bulimia for profits. In this direction, they do not hesitate to promote war and channel even more resources into military expenditures.  The WFTU firmly fights for the use of the productive capabilities of society in improving the working conditions of all workers globally.

It is obvious that the objective prerequisites for the improving of working and living conditions with fewer working hours, better wages, universal access to public and quality systems of healthcare, education and social security, dignified healthy and safe environment of work and life that foster cultural, humanitarian, and environmental progress are there.

Today there are all the productive, scientific and technological conditions (such as AI) for a decent life, a job with rights. The working class produces wealth. Our sweat and toil are reaped by a handful of business groups. This can be changed to meet the needs of the working class.

The World Federation of Trade Unions, throughout its 79-years course of relentless contribution, has consistently being in the forefront of radical demands and militant struggles for the benefit of workers worldwide. Today, the WFTU remaining in line with its history and strictly adhering to its principles and orientation, advocates the justified, realistic, mature and achievable demand of a 35-hour workweek without any wage reduction.

The WFTU calls upon the class-oriented and militant trade unions all over the world to honor its 79th anniversary with the organizing of mass and militant activities with the banners of our Federation under the slogan:

We Demand Dignified Working and Living Conditions:

  • Significant Wage Increases
  • Stable Work with full rights
  • 35 hours of work per week, 7 hours of work per day
  • Health and safety in all workplaces
  • Public and Universal systems of healthcare, education and social security
  • Quality working and living environment

Let’s properly honor the anniversary of the international class-oriented trade union movement, let’s proudly wave once again the flag of the class struggle, meeting the expectations and the dreams of the workings. Let’s once again turn the anniversary of the WFTU into and militant day of honor, dignity, and struggles.