UITBB-FLEMACON meeting Resolutions

Resolution on Cuba, Chile, Venezuela, Honduras and Bolivia

At the UITBB regional Latin American meeting in Havana, Cuba November 4, 2019, after a productive discussion we decided the following:

  • To send a strong solidarity message to the people and workers of Cuba, who suffer a criminal blockade of the US Administration. The only crime the people and workers of Cuba committed was to fight for a new society without exploitation, so the UITBB wants to express our total solidarity with the Cuban revolution;
  • We like to express our total solidarity to the people and workers from Chile, who suffer a brutal repression by the neoliberal President Piñera. We demand that the government, the police and the military from Chile to stop the use of violence against the demonstrators and listen their demands;
  • The UITBB wants to support the fight from the peoples and workers from Venezuela against the imperialist’s attacks. The countries around the world and especially in the Central and Latin America region, is extremely interesting to capitalist monopolies and imperialist powers as a geopolitically and geostrategically important point on the world map. This attacks only have one objective, that is the control of the oil and oil reserves of the Venezuelan people, and we like to show our support to the people and workers from Venezuela;
  • We like to express our total solidarity to the people and workers from Honduras, who suffer also a brutal repression from their government. We demand that the government from Honduras to stop the use of violence and respect the people and workers’ rights, and the UITBB likes to show our support to the people and workers;
  • We like to express our total solidarity to the people and workers from Bolivia, who are under attack by the imperialist forces to prevent the reelection of President Evo Morales. We support the people and workers from Bolivia against all imperialist interferences;


Resolution on US Blockade of Cuba

At the UITBB regional Latin American meeting we want to reiterate our position against the blockade that the United States of America unilaterally imposes on the Cuban people.

A blockade that, despite having been condemned dozens of times by the UN and majority of countries around the world, the United States persists in maintaining for 60 years.

The blockade violates fundamental human rights and constitutes an attack on the decisions of international institutions, making it a direct crime against the Cuban economy.

At a time when those committed to sovereignty of countries, the well-being of their people and defense of their peace, reaffirming our solidarity with the Cuban workers is imperative to our global struggle.

The UITBB calls for an end to the US administration’s illegal and criminal blockade against Cuba, its people and workers. We call for the safeguarding and affirmation of international law and the ability for Cuban people to defend their right to security and free development. UITBB will continue to defend a Cuba that fights for peace and welfare of all workers and peoples.

Havana, November 4, 2019.